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3 Reasons TikTok is A Powerful Tool to Boost Marketing

3 Reasons TikTok is A Powerful Tool to Boost Marketing

TikTok is one of the most popular short video apps, setting a record for the most downloads of a social app in a single quarter, reaching 315 million downloads during the pandemic. TikTok also continues its record as the best-selling app, surpassing 2.5 billion dollars in consumer spending by 2021 (Digital Marketing Institute, 2022).

Its impressive growth becomes the momentum to explore and connect with the online audience in new ways (including marketing). With TikTok’s fast-changing and flexibility, this app has developed into a promising potential for voicing brand ideas. Here are 3 TikTok’s potential that you can utilize to improve:

TikTok is Young People Favorite
TikTok reflects a key social media trend for creative skills and collaboration amongst young audiences. With TikTok’s dominantly youthful demography, you can connect and engage with young audiences (Keyhole, 2022). TikTok is definitely the best platform, especially if your target audience is in the emerging adulthood range (16-34 years old).

Trigger Enthusiasm with Creativity
Its fast-paced nature keeps users engaged for relatively long periods, with users spending an average of 52 minutes per day and 13.3 hours per month, which is a huge number for active users (Hootsuite, 2022). Take advantage of this moment to show your creativity and get recognized for being different. Design content that provokes discussion and sparks two-way conversation. If you can trigger off a trend, you will feel amazed by the user enthusiasm surrounding your content. And, the more they associate with your contents, the more recognition you will get.

Full Support for Business Advertising
TikTok for Business is an incredible all-in-one platform for advertisers. You can get everything you need to create an impactful marketing campaign. Whether it is creating an ad or setting a budget, finding the best audience, or evaluating data, TikTok for Business let you achieve everything you want from your video marketing campaign.

Now that you know the benefits and how to utilize that for your marketing purposes, TikTok sounds very promising, right? This platform is a perfect place to identify the latest trends for your brand, so you can have fun creating the content while growing your business. Ready to be viral?

(Source : Digital Marketing Institute, 2022. “An in Depth Look at Marketing on TikTok.”, Hootsuite, 2022. “24 Important TikTok Stats Marketers Need to Know in 2022.”, Keyhole, 2022. “10 Reasons You Should Consider Marketing On TikTok.”)